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Hey Samual, I hope you’re reading this. It’s Johnny.
I sent you a friend request because I miss you, and wanted to catch up.
I think it’s a silly reason as to why you un-added me, because it is based off a delusion, and you getting mad at my criticism of your ‘race does not exist’ theory which let’s be honest is a false theory, but we can agree to disagree I guess.
I hope you are doing alright. I haven’t seen your face posted at all on r9k, pol or soc, and I usually do whenever you’re on there. I hope you haven’t an hero’d, I hope you’ve instead found some sense and got a job, and maybe started dating a girl irl too if you were lucky.
In addition, I wanted to let you know that PG Tips did in facf get back to me. She lost her edge, and was quite friendly for a change, and voice sounds different. Maybe you were right, cus her actually being nice to me made me not feel the same way I did, I realised her being shitty towards me was one of the things that made me like her, so maybe I am feminine in that way (not as feminine as you, but still). She started being mean again tho, including full on taking days to respond, making me like her a bit, which is strange.
Anyway, I don’t think it will go anywhere, and I will be surprised if we even vc again in the not so distant future, but yeah, wanted to share some good news. Hopefully something like that will happen with you and Lara.
In addition, I probably drink one glass of alcohol once per month, which is down from one or two cans per night when we started talking. I have you to thank for that, I guess, as you encouraged me to go dry for 33 days. So thank you, Sam.
And again, for clarification, I did not post those Lara pics. Find some evidence I did. She’s an anal whore, and always was I guess, much to our amazement, and that’s not my fault so no need to take it out on me.

Yours truly, Johnny.