thumbnail of Heroinat-Bule-Naipi-e-Persefoni-Kokëdhima.jpg
thumbnail of Heroinat-Bule-Naipi-e-Persefoni-Kokëdhima.jpg
Heroinat-Bule... jpg
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> You know that our attraction towards you conflicts with our disgust of your political "views".

Well yeah but when it comes to politics I'd prefer validation than people calling me dumb just because of what I believe and strive for. 
During World War II, Albania found itself under the occupation of both Italy and Germany. In the struggle against these foreign occupiers, the resistance movement was notably supported not only by men but also by a significant number of partisan women. These women sacrificed their lives not only for their political beliefs but also out of profound love for their homeland. Their contributions were crucial to the resistance efforts, embodying both a fervent commitment to the cause of liberation and an unwavering dedication to the preservation of Albania's sovereignty.