They probably call you dumb because they believe the idea of communism is dumb, along with you trying to sound smarter (and like another commenter said in the other thread) more sophisticated than you are. It's the hatred of commies coupled with that that probably pisses them off. 
I wouldn't be surprised if those women had men along side them that kept them from turning tail. Like today's leftists in America, even after seeing their "men" get beaten by giant conservative dudes. I wonder what would happen if we started slitting these "men's" throats. 
Funnily enough though, you hear about a lot of women turning when she starts having sex with the more dominant force. I believe there is even a subreddit of women grieving about being extremely attracted to conservative men. 
There's only so much some dress and panty-wearing "man" can do against those guys, barring carrying firearms themselves. I just don't see modern women holding strong convictions if it means they get ostracized by their communities. Maybe you're an outlier, but most modern women definitely look for validation from their peers(especially other women) before coming to a conclusion.