Do you care about people on Chan sites taking you seriously? We don't matter. Most of us don't even take each other seriously, let alone you. I can understand if you wanted to smarten your sentences for someone you were talking to in person. Not here. 
> That subreddit is probably made by conservative women
The keyword is probably, and I have my doubts. But you nor I have any evidence for that. I will say that the "dating sphere" talk has revealed to me that even left-leaning women still uphold men to their traditional standards. One famous video that came out earlier this year or last year of a woman who wanted to have her cake and eat it to, wanting to have a man who would let her behave like a modern-day woman while also being a highly conservative guy. But she knows deep down that a conservative man who respects himself isn't going to tolerate that, creating a dissonance in her mind. 
> Why do you guys despise women getting rights lmfao
Valid question. I didn't, until I did. Once I began seeing women vote for people who claimed to have their best interest at heart and then put in place policies that harms their communities, I decided a people who vote based on feelings or "egalitarianism", shouldn't be voting. Here's the deal Vamp, I don't even believe a lot of men should vote either. A lot of my people do the same shit because politicians speak in wokeisms. 
Maybe it's not a good idea to vote for people who'll let in strangers from other countries who have yet to be registered who often harm their nation's people. On top of that, it's not a good idea to vote in people who won't execute criminals instead of letting them back on the streets. You know how women always claim they fear walking alone at night (as if men don't as well) because a man can attack them? Stop voting for politicians who won't do what needs to be done and you won't have this problem. That's just one point, I can make on it.