> wont exploit people for financial gain
The only reason she was with Roberto in the first place was because she saw him as rich in the beginning and he had his own house and daddy's money. 

> she will never accept paypigs money
Just days ago accepted thousands in donations from random orbiters to get a new car. 

> shes a modest christian woman
Jewish by blood, and not even Christian by name. All she has to show for her "Christianity" is the occasional cross necklace, backwards reactionary takes she repeats from 4chinz, and a track record of anal and nudes. 

> will never become an "egirl"
She became an e-girl the second she posted her tits on /b/ for the first time. She can hate being called one all she wants, but she is one and she knows it. She thinks she's above the term because she doesn't have pink hair or wear eyeliner I guess, but she's been doing the same song and dance as more proud and young e-girls since before they even hit puberty.