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> i feel bad because she trusted me and ik i didnt show any of the bad pics but still it doesn't feel good ;-;

LOOOL did she actually send full on nudes to you? Bahaahah I was told Albania is a super trad society, but I guess not… her whole “pure angelic nature-loving” act was revealed to be a farce, but I don’t know what you guys were expecting anyways; she’s a goddamn TikTok eceleb whose followers are simps. Is it really surprising that she turns out to be in DMs being a slut? I don’t know how else to tell you guys this, but “Trad” Albanian women aren’t LeftCommunist Twitter users with TikToks and posting themselves to random coomers on the Internet. The worst part is that she’s surprised that these random coomers turn out to be bad people, but instead of just… taking responsibility for hanging out with bad people, she blames 4 billion people (men as a “collective”, all with some sort of biological tendency towards being manipulators. She never applies this biological essentialist logic to races though lol) for her problems and acts as though she’s the victim for hanging out with (probably Hispanic) coomers. 
Now though, it seems that she’s about 18 years old and sending nudes to a 15/16 year old, which is fucking pitiful. I guarantee she’s now going to start crying, quitting the Internet, and then going for some IRL Chad and hiding her pedrophilic tendencies to him, I feel bad for that future guy. He will probably be like “OMG she’s so traditional and feminine” while not knowing she’s doing this on the side… looooool. Is it really this hard for the modern day woman to be feminine and not slutty? Like, you attention-seek and then get surprised and sad that you attract coomer degenerate weirdos. News-flash Vamp: bad people exist whether they’re men or women, just as good men and women exist. Hating 4 billion people of the other gender is naive and nonsensical, the best thing you can do right now is just pray to God (or whatever deity you believe in) and hope that he’ll forgive you.