Alright, you aren’t a pedro, and I believe you’re telling the truth here, but you’re like 18 and posting nudes on the Internet, and that ain’t good. I’m American and when I was 17/18, I was playing Super Mario and Minecraft videogames with my friends, and you should probably chill with your IRL friends too. You shouldn’t be so suicidal and doomer about what you did, but if you still want to be respected by good people and not coomers or manipulators, you should take the whole incident as a sign to rethink what you’re doing in life. You seem really devastated by this, which I empathize with, since if that happened to me (where my body was shown on the Internet like that), I would feel really sad about it, but yeah, your life isn’t ruined. If I were you, I wouldn’t KMS, since regretful situations like this happen in life, but you eventually move after a while. Also, there are plenty of things in life that are worth doing, such as hobbies, friends, and religion. I read your post that you felt suicidal about this and really, I wouldn’t do it, since you don’t actually know what’s on the other side, and it could be far worse than the situation you have right now. I was depressed when I was 15 and knowing that it could be far worse after death was what kept me going, and taking gambles on life like that is stupid, so right now you should wait until you feel better and less sad (which actually happens after a while, when I get sad I just wait until it goes away) and then make changes in life. Obviously it seems that the reason you feel guilt about this is because what you did went against your morals, and feeling guilt and sadness about that is natural, so just learn to not make hasty decisions that you will regret afterwards.