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Hello I am back. Since I feel more "mentally stable", I'll explain everything. 
First of all, whats wrong with all of you bringing something from the past that has absolutely nothing to do with me? I still have no idea what everyone is talking about because I never engaged in discord servers to be aware of that bs. No, Ill clarify thats not me whoever is in that sick video. Anyone who sent it pretending its me should get jailed. Crazy because people like that never hold responsibilities since the goverment is full of pedrophiles theirselves. 
Second of all, I know that I am in the wrong too and its completely my fault. Sorry If I blamed it all on you when I was having a mental breakdown. 
Its my fault for everything since I should've listened to anons 2 years ago that places like the chans are not meant for me because eventually people from there would take advantage of me. I didnt care to take their words for granted because I thought I would power everyone and not let myself get groomed. This whole situation had a toll on me, and this is what I've been reflecting these past days. Now I am ugly, stupid and a "whore", what else could go possibly wrong with me?! 
But Ill try to fix this with actions and try to engage in activities to clear my mind from all this. 
Besides that, I want to address that I don't condone biological essentialism and I don't hate the other half of society which are basically men. I am sorry