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Alright you absolutely retarded faggots that's enough. Vamp is my friend, very dear to me. I don't like to post here if I can help it but vamp doesn't deserve to deal with this shit and she certainly doesn't need a new thread.
The video is real, but the girl isn't vamp and the man isn't me. I didn't even have a valid passport so I couldn't leave the country even if I wanted to. I thought I made it clear enough when it was getting posted around but the same 2 or 3 spergs keep bringing it up. I figured they would run out of steam or trip over their flimsy story after enough time so I just ignored them and encouraged vamp to do the same. They're just baiting hostility or trying to stir up drama.
The backstory to the video, is that it was posted in an irrelevant r9k discord server where people were trying to make me out to be a pedrophile because a lot of people didn't like me and they knew I was in contact with vamp. They posted it because we really did look quite similar, but there are some dead giveaways like how it looked like it was recorded in 2008 with a fucking nokia.
It shouldn't be taken seriously obviously, because this place is purpose built for making shit up and bullying egirls... But unfortunately not everyone is sane or aware of that reality.