Honestly, some of the posts here sound like false flag strawmen that r*ddit users would make just so they can screenshot and try to make it seem like there are a ton of evil misogynists on these forums.
Regardless, it's been rather amusing recently to see women utterly shit themselves when they reach 30+ and realize they get less attention than 20-25yo women. It mainly exposes two things:
1) Women are, again, utter crybullies. I probably wrote about this before, but when it's lonely men, they have ZERO empathy. "Life's not fair." "Too bad." "That's biology.", etc.. When women are "winning", and aren't the ones affected, they are merciless and constantly on the offensive.
BUT. As soon as it's them experiencing ANY issue, even if it's 1% of what men go through, suddenly they go into full victim mode, demand everyone support them, and rage at anyone who disagrees.
2) Women should not be taken seriously. They will use social shaming and false accusations without good reason. They will manipulate everything into sounding more in their favor. Just look at the manipulative shit they say:
> "Dating teenagers"
Only technically, since they're 18-19. But that doesn't even matter, since they still say it with 20-25yo women. It makes it sound like the topic is about 15yos or something, when it's not.
> "In high school or just out of high school"
Again, commonly said about 22yo+ women. Doesn't really mean anything besides shock value.
> "The man was X years old when she was born"
No actual reason, just some made up shit to make it sound worse
> Any implication that women in their 20s are "kids" "teens" "children", etc..
Once again, women are their own worst enemies. This time, infantilizing other women. Are they modern and empowered, or still immature at 25? Schrodinger's feminist.
It's also funny to see women rationalize. "Men go for younger women cause they wanna control and manipulate the poor innocent 22yos" Crazy how women's personality detector suddenly works.