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Being completely serious here, if that were to happen to me I'd be very happy at first, of course. Female attention and sex are not easy to come by, and I'd just be ecstatic about the fact that a cute girl showed interest in me.

However, and as much as I'd want to overlook it, the thought of her past would always linger at the back of my head and cast a huge shadow over the whole thing. It's not so much that I wouldn't trust her cheating on me or going away to visit male friends like she's done before (I'm a loyal person and also kind of foolish, so if someone showed interest in me I'd blindly trust they'll never betray that trust), but as many here have mentioned just KNOWING she has done the gross things she's done to and with other people is simply impossible to ignore. So ultimately I don't know whether I should take advantage of the sex and other "benefits" being with her brings to the table until her past becomes impossible to overlook, or save myself the heartbreak, disgust and emotional rollercoaster and never take things anywhere from the start.

I know some would say that what's done is done, and that being with her (being with anyone, really) means building a future and not lingering on what happened before. But ignoring the past is no true way of living, it's merely burying it, waiting for it to erupt in unexpected and destructive ways. Ignoring the past in a relationship is like trying to build a house on shifting sand with carboard foundations. It might seem stable at first, but eventually, the cracks will appear, and the whole structure will crumble. 

Thanks for reading my blog, it was a fun scenario to imagine.