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Haiii frens and haterzzz,I am back and apparently, according to some, I am texting from the deepest circle of hell! Jokes aside, thank you to those who've been nice and sweet to me despite my silly degenerate actions that have resulted in severe consequences. I deeply regret what I did, even though it was an act of self-sabotage. There is no excuse for it, but demoralizing and humiliating me is too far, Anons. I don't think I am a whore, and I won't let society tell me otherwise.I may be uncertain about myself and mediocre at understanding who I am as a person, but in the end, no one understands me better than I do. Others can't and will never determine my worth. I'm struggling a lot to develop a healthier mindset, away from societal expectations. I really wish I could be autonomous once in my life instead of always expecting others to help me, as I won't always have hands to reach out for me.
I understand that many of you are sexually frustrated, but there are a lot of insightful things in the world beyond just a bunch of e-girls. Enjoy life before it drains the little energy you have right now. I didn't wish for things to go this way, and I really thought people liked talking to me, but I was wrong. That was just a mere delusional utopia of mine to cope and believe I had a personality when in reality, I feel so blank inside.
But I promise I'll work more on understanding who I am so I can excel in the things that actually interest me. Maybe I should try to be a more expressive person in real life so people don't think I don't care about them. There are so many things to improve, and I suggest my friends here do the same. Engage in things that make you happy and try to work towards a healthier life. Enjoy the wonders of nature and reconnect with it if possible. Immerse yourself in the green, shiny grass and let the greenness flow through your veins. Transcend into the trees.