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thumbnail of BBC MONEYMAXXER.mp4
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> You're not an incel but a fakecel.
Cope. I had never had a gf, and had to pay money to lose my virginity. I'm as incel as they come.

> There is plenty of women your age who would probably go with you
Real talk, I DESPISE those women. Can't fucking stand them.

Not only are they ugly on the outside, they are even uglier on the inside. ROTTEN.

Rejected me when I needed them the most. At my WEAKEST.

Now I don't need them anymore.

> however you decline since apparently you believe you are a manchild and worth of teenage girls
I decline because they want me not for who I am, but for what they can get out of me.

I might as well give all that money to young girls than to some haag.