hi audrey
youre the same kind of attention whore. and i dont sell my body irl 😭😭
i tried to be her friend, she couldve just said no. i told her that i respect her and wouldnt msg if she did not.
then she started straight up bullying me but i tried to deescalate it because i still wanted to be her friend, but she did not.
at some point she acted like she was going to send nudes to me, so not much different than what i do.

i dont understand why she hates the fact that i am an egirl when she is also. its not the fact that im a junkie or post nudes, it was because im another egirl, and she was acting like she was not.

i think some of you are actually audreys simps acting like this so she may give you an std. im sorry i wanted a friend but i tried to be friends with the wrong person. its obvious why shes not friends with any of the other girls in this board.
maybe she is the narcissist trying to eliminate her competition or sth xD

sorry if i read the situation wrong, but i was very hurt by her. she said she didnt want to twlk to me and i respected that didnt want to be associated with me i respected that but then she did both of these things she said she wouldnt do. just to bully me. i just think she was kinda mean and im sad i couldnt be friends with her when shes happy she "pwned" a "junkie attention whore".
so really. because i post nudes and do drugs im so much worse than another egirl that acts like a tradwife and fucks her fans?

i dont know. im sorry if i misread the situation from audrey because i am retarded and whatnot.

im sorry, please dont bully me more. im sorry i dont have tits like audrey. i dont have XXY because if you have a Y chromosome youre male. im not, im not any kind of intersex.

most robots want nudes from the egirls and when i deliver why are you guys mad at me im just doing what you asked i want to make everyone happy but its impossible because im not pretty or sexy enough im sorry im trying to lose weight but of course when im not actively doing heroin all the time its not easy to lose weight like when i was in active addiction: im sorry. im trying to do less drugs but im still looked at like im at my worst. im trying to do better. i dont know why you guys do this. i dont know why people attack to things i cant ever change.
a lot of asian girls have tits like me and even smaller and ive never seen anyone tell them theyre trans. WTF. im not trans, it makes you look schizo.

please just stop saying weird bullshit