she was answering my questions after i told her i wanted to be friends and said sorry if she came pff like an asshole, even when she was being mean towards me and when i tried to deescalate by making jokes she would joke back and be mean again.

just stop talking about her okay. shes very beautiful and intelligent better than me and im just a junkie asshole that cant understand human interaction and im ugly and this is all my fault and the only male interaction i can get is online. what you all say is true, just go back to orbiting her okay im totally in the wrong i dont even want to defend myself anymore. i just want to talk about funny stuff with my friends and if i have any luck someone will tell me my body is cute instead of looking like a male. just please have some empathy in your heart okay? i admit im the worst egirl on here so you can stop bumping this tread and go talk to a girl thats bettwr than me