okay guys youre all right im ugly and i wont be an egirl anymore i wont post any more pictures i wont post here ill just talk to my friends on discord im sorry for disturbing the egirl board with my ugly perpsnality body and face im sorry i know you guys just want hot girls i wanted to be hot but im not enough obviously none of you guys have to like me anymore im not asking for anything im not worth anything please dont wasting your time bullying me i already know im useless im the worst im the junkie i look like a male my drawings are shit i cant get any better no matter how hard i try i give up im sorry i thaught people would like me when i posted nudes when i delivered because thats what people wanted i didnt want to share my face it got leaked and i know im ugly so i posted a prettier picture of my face cause i didnt want to be known by that i just dont want anything anympre i dont deserve any males to like me online its evident that none do in real life ill probably never find anyone else i cant even have friends because they will all hate me because im a junkie and post nudes i will just not be here anymore and disturb you sorry