duse it doesnt even get you high and creates a tolerance so even if you do heroin you wont get high. it has sooo little bpupupypephrin or sth in it which is pne of the weakest opiates, and has the thing narcan has; naloxone. it is the drug that i use so i dont use anything else. i dont get high off it. it is literally a medicine, unlike some pharma like oxy, xanax etc; this is designed for addicts. and i have to say it helped me a lot.
i was on there like when i used my last discord or something. its really a dead server.... and i didnt know what to say because i didnt know a bunch of girls on there. there was iris as well, vamp i think, chickn, and some other girls that were just anons. idk if it still exists. but i didnt talk a lot in it lol (i was busy watching iris stream and post shit on r9)

whew i dont wanna come on here anymore so please if you actually like me come to discord and whorver you are on the discord just hatelurking when you dont like me just gtfo youre weird for doing this