im sorry to everyone i dont know why i believed it was her account i just wanted to be friends like i did with iris ika etc. im sorry to audrey because if thats not her i did very wrong. i had no reason to not believe it wasnt her. im going to be offline for a while so until i actually come back pls dont believe other people pretending to be me.

i wont post face or nudes anymore if im that ugly. i just want to make people happy and that by itself isnt enough ofc i try to be funny but what i want is friends and im thankful to everyone other than the creeps that just monitor and screencap my msgs.

if im not egirl material then dont make more threads about me, dont talk about me.

thank you to everyone that helped me i know what i did was wrong but obviously i did not understand the situation to the lowest because of dangerously low situational skills but i can understand some part of it. it still has to do with audrey probably one of her fans did this to me and purposefully talked about it when i didnt have any malicious intent when i wanted to talk to her.

if i talk more before i calm down i will just be bitching and moaning so i wanna take a break. we all know im addicted to internet so idk how long that will last but trying doesnt hurt.

i hope you guys can understand me but i know how hard it is to change your mind and with everyone being anon idk if people who used to like me still do and every ambiguity hurts me.

> playing: the girl so confusing remix with lorde