> what audrey said to me as if shes a real 50s tradwife
Also this is headcanon and massive projection because nowhere in that convo was this even remotely suggested. It was you who decided to believe that because hey, if a girl criticizes my whore junkie way of life that means she's a 50s tradwife hypocrite whore because uhhhh she smoked weed and uhhh she has a thread on endchan so HA, she's equally as bad as me who expose my ugly brown roastie cunt to strangers online every single day and show photos of my epic drugs. Go ahead and bitch about these words in your threads for fake validation and for your two orbiters tell you how this is a baseless attack, bitch. Only reason it hurts is because it's true but your egirl ego and fried by drugs brain has made you too retarded to accept it even tho you've already realized it's true.