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Not me jpg
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I've thought about blowing my mind into the sky a few times but It wouldn't mean much ya know
What's the point in it when you can get so much more while alive
I've had a lot of people I know die and I feel real alone and not myself anymore, I feel so foreign to my own body some times I just can't see myself in the mirror 
I shun away from my own glare cuz I'm scared of it
I love myself but I hate but I hate how useless I've become, wretched and without cause 
A humor that isn't lost on me but just the same not appreciated 

I could care less about you people and your petty woes about hoes 
If you hate a girl fuck her, you like her love her
Easy enough for me
Nuance is lost of foolish minds so there's no point explaining it all, how could any one explain a life to another 
Makes you smile even thinking of it 

Anyways, who cares huh
I don't care and you shouldn't care unless you were fucked over 
If you were do what you have to but without malice
Love your enemy but never let them go without justice 

I love you all and I think I'm going to be around a little longer than I thought I was
If only cause there's no one left to talk to since they are all dead and I need to blog to someone 
So suck my dick
And I'll pat your head cuties 
Enjoy me 
Just as I am