Normally I refuse to interact with this thread at all because there’s no reason to but this is a very retarded argument taking place. She is obviously underage. Some anon kept posting her parents’ facebook profiles which had regular updates dating back to 2010 documenting this girl’s life. The last time I ever interacted with one of these threads was just to chew someone out for posting her family’s Facebooks then I tried messaging them to tell them to make everything private but I doubt they did. But anyway. She is 15, there is no doubt about that.
But whether she’s doing this all on purpose as part of some fetish is another question. Yes, I’d say it’s obvious she’s doing that considering her post history and how she pivoted from being hypersexual to now pretending to not know anything and be innocent and only care about toddler hobbies with an obviously fake, forced voice that’s constantly straining. But this is probably just the result of being sexualized from a young age online, then feeling bad about what she was doing, and now the cognitive dissonance is on display. Regardless of any of that, she’s still 15 and it’s wrong to enable this part of her, not to mention the extreme conclusion to enabling it is illegal. What she needs is to be ignored, but unfortunately pedros gonna pedro.
I wish BO were active again so he could just ban these threads again but the volunteers must not see an issue with it as long as pedros aren’t being too obvious.