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I think that the pinnacle of an e-girl would be Marky 
> iconic infamous sam hyde grooming lore (many e-girls are jealous of her because of it and hyde's fanbase fawns over marky whenever the drama is mentioned) 
> 9/10 even without makeup and sleep deprived (literal model tier)
> ciara was one of her orbitors and even gifted marky a hoodie (which makes ciara a lower tier than marky even if eliza is pretty popular)
> marky did some modeling 
> good taste in anime 
> not a zoomer retard like the other girls 
> high iq enough to make some cash but kinda impulsive enough to spill her secrets over discord 
> bodycount low (at least for the modern woman, this making marky a virgin)
> posted nudes with her face on it during a holiday which ruined her reputation but makes her an e-girl (she gave away her reputation for 4chan)
> knows how to play video games 
> knows how to draw 
> her mother is beautiful 
> even if marky is 27 years old she is still the prettiest e-girl in this board
> people still care about her after all these years even if she didn't die like bianca or ciara (I don't want to be rude but when those girls died their popularity increased ALOT)
> marky is a degen like us 

This being said Marky is the best in the whole board