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Kennedi had debilitating anxiety but made strides in getting rid of a lot of it as she got older, but she was also never a BPDthot with manic episodes so it's much different from run of the mill egirl mental disorder. It's why people still orbit her after years of almost total radio silence, and probably why she was never posting on r9k even after realizing her popularity. Eventually she realized what she had to do to get what she wanted was disappear. I still wonder if she'll ever go back to using rateyourmusic and last fm.

> middleaged fat woman
She's underweight she still has the face of a 16 year old. Cherrypicking a pic where she's wearing a heavy coat doesn't change anything. Neither does the pic of her at 14. She looked awful as a younger teen because she was so malnourished and mentally ill, now she looks beautiful, albeit still too skinny based on the most recent pics.