Thanks for the input, fren. Has she ever mentioned why she was so averse to college? Maybe because of the distance to her home, maybe she didn't like her major? Seems like it was indeed a very impulsive decision for her to leave everything behind for what she saw as an escape from her life at the time, but it didn't seem that bad in the first place to warrant such drastic choices: early 20s, white, good looks, healthy family support safety net to fall back into at anytime (aren't her folks loaded?),decent art skills she could've monetized via commissions on twitter and other art platforms, charismatic enough to get any entry level job and go up the ranks  if she didn't want to go back to college, etc.

Wonder what was it that she thought was so terrible the only escape from it all was to fly down to Brazil to be with a guy she met on an mmo or whatever. I'm sure even then she must have had dozens of other men in her dms and steam and whatnot.