> you forgot to mention that pukara used to sell nudes to pedros
Post proof please.
> that pukara dated eric and she asked him to go rape her
Post proof, please. The pics you posted shows nothing like that.
> that she dumped him and he got so mad he contacted her mom pretending to be a worried normie to get her grounded so she wouldn't talk to other guys
> pretending to be a worried normie
You serious, bro? What worried normie sends CP to a child's mother? You and I both know he was the type to want to win under any circumstances. He wanted her off the net. He was a bpdeman and a Adderall addled faggot who needed more than anything to see pukara off of 'his Internet'. There was no winning in this scenario, and you know & I both know how close he came to dying, Chox. This shit was serious and he had chance after chance to quit being such a fucking asshole. 
> that pukara lied to her mom pretending to be some innocent girl and told her eric was some evil rapist so she would report him to the police
I honestly would have done the same thing. Don't fuck with people's lives