Are you new? His name is Andrei. Little is known about him because he was a compulsive liar who told both Marky and Ken completely different life stories about himself. He tried to fuck them both but only was able to fuck Marky. He pitted them against each other to try to make them jealous but it didn’t work on Ken, and Ken realized something was going on then busted him with Marky. 

I agree. Ken isn’t very socially bright, which is probably why she was targeted. Huge history of being manipulated actually. Ken and Andrei were in Marky’s old artfag discord server and that’s how they met. If you’ve ever seen Ken talk with other people you realize very fucking quickly that she is very fucking gullible and naive. But she was still the only one to ever publicly address Andrei and rip him to shreds lmao. I’m glad her and Marky were able to realize what was happening and make amends, but it’s sad that they seemingly stopped being good friends. I think Ken would be a good influence.