Yeah, that's my exact point. Ekat seems to be a trickster agent, not thinking of the real consequences his actions have in people's lifes. Was Marky stupid enough to think he was her true and honest friend despite what happened during 2019-2020? If she had the power to ruin her "friend" like she has done with Andrei, the Brazilian and multiple other people, why did she spare ekat?

About Bianca...Do we know more of her friendship with ekat? We just saw a couple screenshots. I don't particularly think ekat is fully responsible for what happened. No one knew about Brandon's pyschopathy but, it's like ekat wanted to start some drama with Bianca, Donatello and Brandon. Maybe he didn't know it would escalate like this, which is unfortunate. Also, he's been quiet lately so the whole murder probably teached him a huge life lesson.

I keked when ekat showed up in the true crime doc.