fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[agatha2] - Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of spoiler alert::same panties.JPG
thumbnail of spoiler alert::same panties.JPG
spoiler alert::same... JPG
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> mIgHt AcKsHuAlLy Be He-

it is her you retard and if you smoothbrains would do the least amount of effort and notice the smallest amount of detailing yourselves you could stop speculating like schizos. you wait for everyone to spoonfeed you information and then post dumbass nonsensical questions and scenarios to sound like you know more than you do

that’s why all of you still think she’s dead lmao watching you inept dumbasses slapfight in circles is like watching a dog chase its tail but the difference is dogs are cute, and you’re all obese and old and very much not cute