i dont feel bad for cewl since im smart enough to not shoot up but despite all of that and especially since the fact she carries anarexia like a princess i would date her if she was willing to overlook the possibility i have aides and in the event i do take aides medicine if we ever fuck and she contracts tbe virus
if i have aides it could be prevented if i take enough to get my viral load down to untransmittable levels but cewl would have to accept the very real risk that our lovemaking could infect her with a chronic condition
and im a virgin too if i got the aides it would be probably due to my anarexic ex doxxing my address and my hater breaking in and injected me with tainted needles (long story but i had a rash on my taint a few weeks ago and im concerned but i need a job and an income before i want to be identified by my state as infected and get tested since it will require expenses but im not selfish about it since im a virgin so i wont be transmitting aides to anyone (such as cewl) before getting tested)