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thumbnail of Screenshot-1.png
Screenshot-1 png
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thumbnail of Screenshot-2.png
Screenshot-2 png
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Depends on when she sent it to you and by what means. Archived images offloaded to imgur through 4archive or randomarchive tend to have views in the hundreds, from passing by gawkers and search engine spiders. It must have been uploaded to imgur by a person and shared privately for total view count to be so low, file name also never uploaded to 4chan.

What does the "Modified date" on your file say, did you receive it back in April 2018? And post more full res rares, please.

Early cropped version appears in June. Another picture in same dress (and likely same building) appears in May. Both could have been sourced from Instagram (naikonu). We won't have confirmation until one of you fags coughs up a full archive.

Additionally, does anyone find this random 9-digit filename oddly familiar? I've seen something similar elsewhere - it's not a unix time:
> 466211313.jpg