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This is gonna be a good one. Beware of women who shit themselves at the phrase "Doesn't take herself too seriously.". You just have to mention the phrase around her and she'll instantly freak the fuck out. This seems to come from women who had abusive relationships (bfs or family), and now they just see danger everywhere. You can tell it's that from how they always put entire sentences in your mouth, and they always "interpret" things way too far. Like when discussing what the phrase itself even means. > umm actually it means that the man just wants to abuse you and not take blame for it > it means he wants to use you for casual sex and dump you > it means don't have any standards or boundaries, be a good submissive handjob's tale, barefoot and pregnant > it means he's gonna be rude to you and claim it's a joke (the joke was the most basic inoffensive shit imaginable) > it means he will joke 100% of the time and never take anything seriously (stupid women have a "black and white" mentality) For the record, the ACTUAL definition (objectively, not a retarded interpretation), is to just not be uptight, be able to make and take jokes about yourself, don't take everything as a personal slight, don't be quick to go on the offensive, don't be instantly easily offended, be able to admit you're wrong (almost impossible for a woman), don't always need to be right (this too), etc.. It blows my mind how women refuse to understand that a man wants PEACE, nota fucking fight. Them using the term "cool girl" also seems to be a common pattern. These women will describe a great girlfriend and act like it's this horrible woman hating thing. > ugh he just wants a girl he can joke around with and enjoy himself with, and someone who he can have SEX with Uh yeah no shit. Maybe it's some kind of jealousy towards "healthy" women, or women who are desired by men (note how the low self esteem might be causing this "jealousy"). Honestly, this seems to be how feminists are born. Abusive romantic or familial relationships combined with low self esteem (meaning they take it out on others), they're used to chaos so they go out of their way to look for it, and get extra anxious when they don't find it, thus "interpreting" innocent things as secretly having a hidden meaning and assigning ill intent, hence them getting offended at everything. Not to mention encouraging bad behavior in themselves and others. Them hating when men are happy might be from an abusive relationship as well. Also, regarding the vid, she mentioned height out of nowhere, as if she can't help her seething hatred over a non-Chads, lmao. Short men catching collateral damage for no reason.