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Btw my friend, do I know you from anywhere
Would I remember you is what I'm asking
You seemed very relaxed compared to alot of others around here, makes me curious
You know in the very least know I haven't been around here in a long while, came back messed around, nothing to shit up the board, but fun posting, ya know
BO's not around by the looks of it, or on a very long vacation but either way, you nor him get too buttmad about me unlike the old BO from 8ch
So once more, I'm curious
Do you have the same ethics as I did way back when, "fun within reason" or what
Like to actually talk to someone around here who isn't so obvious
But I think you and the BO are trying to go for a certain mystique
So I don't expect much of a response even if I want one
Anyways my friend, have a good one huh
Where ever you are out there in the world, hope life's going well
And if you do know me, I hope you do know I actually mean that, not just words