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Somewhere around there
Again can't really say
But hey anything else that isn't too in on any girl that I can actually speak about 

If you wanna know this, yes I've spoken to more than a few of these e-whores
And yes I'm actually happy with a girl atm and have no interest in anyone else
Not like I did to begin with, as I've said before, never really cared for orbiting, found it lowly of man
But nonetheless I did get to speak to alot of girlies thanks to the name and the board 
I wasn't same player or anything, I was just myself, not putting you on either 
I really didn't care, just cuz they were a girl doesn't mean I need to cum in my pants
Have fun, enjoy yourself like talking to anyone else, cuz they were, I didn't know them, they didn't know me other than oh you're Franz from that weird Orbiting place
Sure it's an in, but hey I could care less
Over all I'm happy where I am, I'm only here again cuz I was curious the like I am once or twice a year but this time I was bored
I've been trying to write something and I'm stuck, just weird timing

Over all I don't want anything from here but I'm willing to give 
SO again if there's anything have anything to ask ball
Just remember I will not let anyone know about anyone I've spoken too in confidence
I try and help alot of people where I can, whether they accept it or not, guy or girl