the people who have periodic meltdowns over ken are here to hate women, and since she doesn't engage in any behavior that is plain and straightforward grist for the misogyny mill (being slutty, spreading gossip, the list goes on) they have to find other areas to attack, such as her pratenshus taste in art, her utterly self-absorbed privacy, her being a filthy "commie", long treatises on the Trve Nature of Savcy Witches, you name it. of course, this rather watery soup only serves to heighten their irritation, to the point where mr. seven-figure cryptolord simply HAS to weigh in on this girl who has been underground for like five years at this point...but he's certainly not obsessed or anything

weird, but then you have to be a very special kind of person to use this board for your impotent serial killer schizo scribbling, let alone be aware of it in the first place