> if you werent hiding something, you'd say it here
bitch I already said I'm hiding names, yes, I am respecting the privacy of those involved, including the subject of all this. All his biggest defenders keep namedropping him, I won't do the same publically. 

> the guy you blackmailed in virginia
Oh you mean the complete fat fucking unemployed live at home retard who matched with FBW on bumble, begged to fuck her for 2 days on the phone who then, after being rejected, seethed so hard he created the r/sabbathstd subreddit, the FBWexposed tiktok, and danielarsonfan account to "expose" us, harassing us for days until we called his dad, who after a 10 minute conversation realized that we had done nothing wrong and then forced him to delete all his accounts? You mean the total dumbass who is posting in this very thread right now, and is probably you? The complete, utter failure whos ENTIRE dox I have, but will not post out of respect for his sensible dad? Yeah I really hope the roof gets blown off on that one. That'll be really damaging to me.