fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[agatha2] - Endchan Magrathea

Well, just from her online stuff it appears:

She was a full-blown narcissist, but one with self-loathing and insecurity issues which makes for the most "dangerous" kind of narcissist. 

She seemed incapable of true love or commitment to people as she seemed to have very few real female friends and the only lengthy male-female relationship she ever had ended in disaster with her cucking the guy (Jay) and dying while fucking the guy she was cheating with (JT).

She has little to no soul/moral compass as she was openly willing to steal from, con and scam guys.  Also got kicked out of school for stealing laptops.  She made and distributed CP.  She tried to rope other UA girls into doing the same.

She had such low self-worth she was willing to prostitute herself for drug money--ie her vibrator porn tape.

She was a drug addict.

She probably used sex as a tool/device/means to get her way or get things she wanted.

She was probably very manipulative and conniving, and was probably unbearable to be around if she didn't get her way.

She probably (quietly) craved to always be the center of attention.

She was probably a drama junkie, and if there was no drama, she probably sought ways to create it.

She probably had ADHD.

Despite being manipulative herself, she seemed easily manipulated by others--particularly by scummy lowlife guys.  Drugs were probably a factor in the equation as well.

Despite having a father, she probably had classic "daddy issues."  For sure Jay as a daddy figure to her.

She was probably immature for her age and often acted infantile or childish--especially when trying to manipulate people or situations.

I'm guessing she was probably funny and fun to be around, at least at times.

She probably wasn't overly educated or book smart, but was probably fairly intuitive.  

I doubt that she was truly loving or caring, at least on any real deep meaningful level.  Sure she could say "I love you" and suck your dick.  But would she walk 2 miles through a snow storm to go get you your favorite meal when you're deathly sick with the flu.  I'd guess no.