also it's just gotta be said for the record, we have all those phone calls recorded, the ones where you said you had a 3 inch dick, the ones where you were playing with yourself, the ones where you said "samantha is my dream girl" over and over, the ones with you begging for sex and just being an all around sex pest with literally no prompting from us, and the only reason those havent been posted is because we came to an agreement with your dad that we'd never post about you if you agreed to stop posting about us, which youve obviously continued to do, but even still I'm willing to keep everything under wraps for the sake of keeping the subreddits up for laughs, and for the sake of your dad who I actually respect a lot. But, who knows. Maybe one day you'll actually dig up something real on me. Honestly if that happened I'd just call your dad again and have him make you take everything down. But it's just not gonna come to it. Everyone involved in all this is so incredibly retarded, they'll never do anything. You especially. And even if you're not james (you have somewhat of a female typing style), just know that all of this started because a 5'5 fat 22 year old virgin with a 3 inch dick got rejected by fierce buisnesswoman on bumble.