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thumbnail of SUPER SECRET RITUAL.mp4
SUPER... mp4
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thumbnail of 964aeb4a75d1a8fe1463793918b7e3bc-videomp4.mp4
964aeb4a75... mp4
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mylovemylo... png
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1661444697823527 webm
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> Jonathan Devries
God faggot, i know you're lurking around here, re-upload the video or post it here.
please, i loved that video. 
I feel like it'so over if he doesn't post/reupload it because apparently it's not possible to recover a deleted YouTube video.
I already reviewed all the previous threads (except for the first 4 that were deleted) and of the 4 (?) videos on that faggot's channel, only the 2 related ones survived, the most retarded and least important literally + the pic of the video i'm talking about.
I'm so fucking disappointed in all of you, i hope you all rot in hell and Riffy rejoices in heaven for this.