fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[agatha2] - Endchan Magrathea

Bro, on the crime scale, Ciara was like a toddler with a rattle.  Her combined "crimes" might have gotten her probation, if even that.

But agree, she was a destructive, aimless, amoral narcissist who was a burden to those around her.

But there's a chance she could have turned her life around.  Tons of people are total shits always getting into trouble in their teens and early twenties and then they grow out of it and become great people--my parents included.  My mom was always in serious trouble in high school (almost killed someone drunk driving) and is now a mother of 3 and heads up the HR department of a company with over 600 employees.  My dad was a serious thief as a teen (got arrested 12 times as a minor) and is now a college professor and a country supervisor in our state.

So who knows what Ciara would have done with her life.  I'd say 50/50 chance she would have grown out of her delinquent phase and gone on to do some wonderful things.  

Sadly, we'll never know, unless he's actually alive.  Jury is out on that.

But saying she deserved to have her throat slit for scamming a few bucks for a pair of soiled panties that she never mailed is totally idiotic on your part.