thanks for your support anon, you sound like a reasonable guy. don't pay attention to those who provoke you, I fell for it but it's no use arguing with them since they're just out to hurt others and deflect their responsibilities.

I agree with you that we're all doing harm in different ways by posting here, I never meant to say that I'm particularly different or better in that respect. I also realize that I've been judgmental towards people that don't deserve it. I'm thinking in particular of those young girls who see ken as a role model and might feel hurt by being called 'pathetic'. this place invites aggression and nastiness, but I shouldn't have given in to destructive feelings that I would normally find deplorable. I'm sorry about that.

I'm not willing to excuse those who intentionally harm and hurt other people and couldn't give a shit about it, though. I don't sistematically stalk these girls, I don't try to find details about their lives, and I don't collect their pictures as trophies. I'm not particularly obsessed with kennedi either, although I think she's fine, with virtues and flaws like many other people. I've known boards like this one for a few years now, but these days I come here essentially out of loneliness and lack of direction. it doesn't help very much, for obvious reasons, and it's become more and more pointless. seeing how every thread is diverted towards yet another exchange full of bs about women or petty drama has become something between boring and annoying.
let's face it, if places like this were to be nuked tomorrow, it would be all the better for everybody involved. even those who attack me know that, they just don't have enough self-awareness to admit it, so they prefer to think of themselves as animals or monkeys instead of human beings.
I'll try and increasingly move away from this place, so those who can't stand me can start celebrating, or continue not to care.

I hope kennedi will continue to improve her life, she might be one of the few girls here that actually deserve it. I also wish you good luck, and I hope you can eventually find a real girl who can appreciate you, although you probably know that holding onto this website and the ghost of your dream girl is precisely what could prevent that from happening. don't do that to you. if instead you're one of those girls who idolize ken and model their personality on hers, I hope you eventually realize that looking for your own personality is actually much better, and it doesn't need to be perfect as long as it's yours. so much for my words of wisdom.