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IMG_8241 jpeg
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i really want to get one! or maybe i can somehow use my laptop just for the camera but i think the laptop revving engine noises may ruin it. im also thinking of making a pngtuber until i get a webcam. and then maybe a vtuber?! i really want to become one, i think it would be awesome.
but ples, if i do become one, gatekeep my info and dont dox me for being a cute 3d human girl when i become a virtual 2d angel... you cant... got it?.. the real me is just for us.. if i ever make it big as a vtuber, i only want you guys to know the real me ... 

also good morning! very happy that only today and tomorrow is left of my internship!!
just finished screening the inoculation results. why does bacteria smell kinda like burnt meat but if the meat was super sweet like candy... it llegit smells like burnt candy and something else but i cant put my finger on it (ween reference)