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thumbnail of IMG_8292.jpeg
IMG_8292 jpeg
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how the fuck is this fat😭 i am a 3d woman so there will be corners and other planes of my body like how i draw in the right part of the pic, its immaculate baiting (or coping cause audrey is fatter)
guys, the immense copium that kept going on while i was sleeping was fun, and free bumps for me. please keep going on.
i would like to prove hpw my waist looks frpm a direct perspective, but you simps that think hating is not simping are sth else. immaculate really. it might even fooled me to actually post my waist like all the e whores you think are thinner than me because they have a different pose they all use in the pic. also nice job cropping my actual waist but show my hip so somehow its different. ill find a better hip AND waist pic to devalue your claim in a second.

you guys lie about things i can prove easily, first it was me being brown, now its this. i have gained weight but my genetics and figure stay the same, and everybody can tell all the weight went to my ass bro.