It all boils down to their actions. Ken's been nothing but polite, kind, and thoughtful even when she's done some admittedly dumb things like talking to certain characters but it never went past that.
As for other girls like Marky and as big a following as she has, what sort of positive discussion can you really expect when the only reason she made a name for herself was for flashing her underaged tits on /b/ on Christmas day? Add to that the whole Sam Hyde fiasco and that she's made retarded after retarded decision for the whole of her adult life, with the cherry on top being scamming her own "supporters" (permasimps) out of their neetbux to buy cars she ended up crashing within a week, or getting drunk on stream while begging her viewers to insult her for the lulz. Ken would never in a million years do anything remotely as stupid as what's common to girls like Marky, let alone other minor irrelevant nu-whores. Similarly girls like Audrey also have mostly negative discussion around them because she was also exposed as a degenerate piece of shit. Aggie is similar to Ken in the treatment she got post e-fame, but she sadly trooned out but that doesn't seem to have affected the image held by her fans.
> tl;dr people will react to their favorite egirls actions accordingly