> marky gets judgement for making one colossally stupid decision after the other and seems to have personally aggrieved many people that have had dealings with her, giving rise to more leaks and expositions, kind of like we have seen with Audrey on a smaller scale.
Just gonna comment as an Audreybro here to confirm this because its perfectly on point. She was very well liked before her ex exposed her which led to other people joining in and sharing stuff no one would have thought she'd do for how gross and unlike her they were so folks felt betrayed big time, and like you mentioned some were personally aggrieved which only made the snowball bigger. 

Now compare that to girls like Ken or Agatha... I don't think I've ever heard Ken curse, let alone admit to having done hard drugs, 4chan hookups or other degen sexual shit. Not to be a puritan trad chudcel but little things like that will obviously project a very different aura and they speak loudly to what kind of people they really are and hence why they remain very well liked