Some questions that women can never answer:
> What do you bring to the table in a relationship?
> If being a SAHM is so hard, why don't you become the provider, and have the man stay home and raise the kids?
> If being a single mom is so hard and you need child support, why don't you give custody to the father?
> If feminism is for equality, why don't feminists just call themselves egalitarians?
> Why not have mandatory DNA testing upon birth?
> Why don't single moms have to present receipts showing what they spent the child support money on?
> What is an ugly woman? What does one look like? Can you describe such a woman?
> What benefits do men get in a marriage that they don't get in a relationship?
> If it's fine to call a men an incel as long as he's a bad person, is it then fine to call a woman a slut if she's a bad person? (Same goes for mocking men's looks in general, despite keeping the virtue signaling narrative of body positivity and never insulting anyone. Pure cognitive dissonance and tribalistic NPC mentality)
> Where exactly are all the lonely women? Proving the existence of lonely men is very easy, but you can't seem to find any lonely women anywhere.
> What exactly IS a "high value woman"?
They can never answer these. They're guaranteed to deflect, change the topic, or try to insult you. Like clockwork.
Btw, don't actually argue with women. They're too retarded for rational conversation, and you're retarded if you try to treat them as equals.