I'm not like the other boys. I'm genuinely as batshit fucking insane as I claim to be when provoked hard enough. ^.^
I don't stop? Cewl, you begged me to open open to you, since then you've used my dead child to hurt me, you've used the fact my ex killed herself and I blame myself to hurt me, you've told all of your friends I'm a pedro, probably as soon as I blocked you. You are the one who dragged everything out. When I posted in your thread you could have said "Hey, let's talk in private" instead of "ur so mean go groom minors here they are #camwhatever" When it came to light that you and I had some weird kind of chemistry that was not public you could have said "Yeah, I liked him, we had a lot in common, no we didn't date. It's over now"instead you insist I was just some fat bpd blah blah fucking blah.

Cewl, you are an absolute tard and you did all of this.
You unblocked me just so you could block me again before I could say what I was going to lmao. Boredom or feeding into it?

I was going to say I want you to go to rehab. When we were talking you've made it perfectly clear that you've already mentally relapsed on heroin. At this point, I've fucked your legacy beyond repair here. You'll always have some simps, other mentally ill man hating women, autistic beta males who will sit in vc with you saying nothing and wait for you to return only to say nothing and all leave wordlessly the moment you say you g2g, but is it worth it?
Everyone knows you're a whore, everyone knows you lie constantly, everyone knows what you are. Some people are just pathetic enough to not care and worship you anyway. You should go into rehab and get away from all of this. Me, your simps, the trolls, the drugs. You have so much potential it's fucking scary to see that you want to waste all of it because you're sad about some shit and rather dwell on the negative.
(Just worded nicer)
Also, that one song you showed me that you really loved, I thought it was stupid... But than I listened to it well dissociating, and I get it now.

THere were some other things I wanted to say, but it don't matter, none of this matters.