> most
lol, you coordinated everything and took what would have been a fun yet insignificant little thing and did everything you needed to make sure it turned as ugly as possible.
Between the gaslighting and poking at my insecurities in just the right way you made sure I'd respond chaotically, what came across as two people that weren't in control of their actions destroying each other was just someone who had been goaded into a frenzy by someone who see's himself as a "protector" of sorts despite obviously being a detriment to the mental health of the people he "protects"

My brain is still reeling over everything and honestly I can respect the game but when you sit there and get self righteous about it and talk like you do it just feels wrong.

You're obviously more than just a standard troll, and well the situation glows I have no idea what you really are but I think you tell yourself that it's ok to hurt people like me because we're bad but fail to see the hypocrisy there. Really, without your intervention neither of us would have gotten too sentimental, and even if we had, when I showed her the stuff to push her away she would have left. That's why I showed it to her and even said I was trying to push her away before bailing.
If anything this just taught me to be more manipulative in the future and discard girls the moment either of us start to get sentimental.

At the end of the day Cewl is the same thing to you as she was to me at first, a means to an end. I'd say that I owe her a serious apology for letting her get dragged into our drama but I get the impression she's a way bigger part of all of this than you let on.

Would you care to answer that question I asked you on discord? I at least want to know what to expect.