> I tried to help someone I thought was in a bad but fixable place.

Interesting statement. Someone else said that once too and now he's spending something like 19 and a half years in prison. Funny how helping people does that.

> So, she like to keep talking about how i "groomed" a minor and I'd really, really prefer if that was left alone.

Based on how you portray yourself and numerous hints given off during your short time in Cewl's server and on her livestream - unfortunately you're not going to be sweeping the pedro accusations under the rug.

You're very calculated, highly predatory, and well-versed in pursuing vulnerable individuals for personal pleasure. You're very self-aware of that and flaunt it openly, of course. You also made claims of being interested in undisclosed 'taboo' subjects. You're intelligent, so you can see that any other person that have these traits would be seen as having a high probability to be doing what you were accused of, correct?

So hopefully you can see why you trying to downplay the accusation doesn't look very good for you.

Maybe you were trying to help her and something went amiss and you did or said things you regret. Maybe you caught certain feelings. Hey mistakes can happen right? We're just human, and I'm sure things like BPD don't help with rational decision making sometimes. Here's your time to open up and show you're capable of taking full responsibility.

And if you didn't do anything wrong? Here's your chance to prove that too.

You have criminal conviction(s): maybe you went to prison? I don't know. But a common thing in prison is if someone replies "I'd prefer not to talk about it" when asked what they're in for - they're instantly labeled a pedrophile regardless of actual crime. That's what's going on in this thread right now. You'll always be labeled as that so long as you don't talk about it.

The stage is yours to do as you please. I can't make you say anything, but it would be in your best interest I would think. If you'd rather say it in DM, maybe it can be arranged - out of courtesy for the girl's own privacy and protection.