Cewl and Cyanide a... png
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>>/95993/ Ok, so i wasn't going to address this one, but fuck it. I guess I've grown to like you faggots and your constant abuse and your lust for my thick juicy man meat... Eric never existed, this is all a pretty bad LARP, those court docs are obviously fake. Well written, but unofficial. In the event that I'm reading things wrong and I really did tell a child she's a useless retard who should just get on disability because she's clearly mentally deficient enough to do so and loves the idea of being a parasite over the fact that she lied to me, than well I really dun goofed and consequences will never be the same. I've acknowledged that my behavior was inappropriate, I genuinely felt really bad, and the gaslighting after the fact really wasn't fun, but it kinda became a lot more enjoyable as things unfolded and i saw the bigger picture. You people are the best kind of human scum, really. I like to blur the lines and so do you lot. > not going to sweep the pedro accusations under the rug I've come to terms with this. > you're calculated and smart You're the first person to ever say that to me. Thank you... I'm actually in tears over that statement. > Trying to downplay the accusation looks bad Idk man, being a pedro is one of those crimes that you're guilty until proven innocent and are likely still guilty even after being proved innocent. It's not unreasonable to not want to be called one. > you have criminal convictions No, I'm a good boy and I ain't do nuffin. If I ever get shot by the police it's cause they racist assholes that just wanna kill a nigga well he's out spreading the word of the lord > the rest usually inmates lie about the fact they didn't do it. If they "don't want to talk about it" it's usually moreso because they did something that inmates usually don't fare well in prison for. Idk, I'm happy to continue this little lolcow dance but there does need to be a line, and I'd like some form of compensation, it was fun, but teh lulz only go so far. I'm sure I'll get bored in the future and come back for more eventually, maybe post a video of me lumbering behind some kids swing set, like you know, the camera man turns the corner and you just see my face and that jumpscare violin sting effect plays as I disappear. I mean... If I get really bored and want attention again. >>/96228/ You don't have any chance with her. She only wanted me because I am literal perfection. I am hyper intelligent, have a sexy dad bod, my personality is exhilarating, and well I seem like a soulless monster I'm actually a really nice guy 1 on 1, Pic related