Women will act like the worst companion imaginable, and then get outraged when men don't want to be their "friend".
Yeah, great. Fuck you. All the downsides, putting in all the work, with zero benefit. You gotta do the boyfriend duty of listening to their fucking stupid dumbass piece of shit retarded conversations (WHILE THEY REFUSE ANY ADVICE YOU GIVE THEM), meanwhile they offer FUCKING ZERO support to you. And if you want\ask for anything from them, suddenly they'll end the "friendship". Of course, duh, no shit. It's a woman, it'll only cling on to you if it can benefit from it. As soon as it's not all 100% "me me me me" benefits funneled into them, SUDDENLY, they wanna walk away from it. AND, even if they were willing to help (WHICH THEY AREN'T), they're so fucking stupid that their advice\support would be utter shit. And of course, when you walk away from them, they socially shame you. And when they walk away from you, they rationalize that you were "bad" in some way, so the woman is never ever ever ever at fault for anything in the slightest.
Fuck you.